पर्यटकहरूका लागि 'प्रीमियम ट्याप वाटर' ब्रान्डको नाम छ

द्वारा लिखित Dmytro मकारोभ

Inspired by Iceland launch Kranavatn, a premium tap water ‘brand’ aimed to encourage travellers to tackle plastic waste and ‘drink responsibly’ by bringing a reusable water bottle on their travels this summer. Iceland establishes premium brand for its high-quality tap water in the fight against plastic waste. Study reveals two thirds (65%) of global travellers…

eTurboNews लेखहरू सदस्यहरूका लागि मात्र हुन्। सदस्यता नि: शुल्क छ।
लग - इन नि: शुल्क सदस्यता लिन यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस्

यस लेखबाट के लिने:

  • आइसल्याण्डले प्लास्टिकको फोहोर विरूद्ध लड्न यसको उच्च-गुणवत्ताको पानीको लागि प्रीमियम ब्रान्ड स्थापना गर्दछ।
  • Aimed to encourage travellers to tackle plastic waste and ‘drink responsibly' by bringing a reusable water bottle on their travels this summer.
  • Inspired by Iceland launch Kranavatn, a premium tap water ‘brand’.


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Dmytro मकारोभ

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